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Point Shooting Basics via the US Deputy Sheriff's Association

Executive Director and National Trainer David Hinners demonstrates Point Shooting utilizing Smart Firearms & Laser Ammo at the United States Deputy Sheriff's Association National Training Center. 

David is reminding about the basics and does so with using the Laser Ammo Smokeless Range and the non-recoiling training pistols SF25 and SF30, or ATLP (Advanced Training Laser Pistols) which you can see on our site under no recoil pistols, here.

Keep in mind that most deadly encounters just aren't happening at 25-50 yards but easily with 3-10 yards... so it is important to be able to practice shooting at close distance and do so quickly.

Be sure to check out other videos that USDSA put out as well as the USDSA website to see how they can help you and your department with training and/or training needs.

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